OST Photonics offers a variety of optical glass and fused silica wafers depending on the application and material requirements. Wafer diameters are ranging from 3 inches to 12 inches, the thickness can be customized according to your requirements (generally above 0.1 mm). OST Photonics glass wafer supplier has a wide range of glass materials for you to choose from:
Fused silica material: JGS1/JGS2/JGS3
SHOTT glass: Borofloat33/D263Teco/B270(I)/D263(T) and microcrystalline glass etc.
Corning glass: Corning 7980/7978/7979 and Eagle XG etc.
Ohara glass: SK-1300/SK-1310/SK-1320 etc.
Feilihua: F-HUV1~7 etc.
CDGM: H-K9L etc.
Other glass materials: Soda Lime etc.